November 2024
Every Friday Bingo
Every Saturday Totus-Tuus - Cor Meeting 9 am Seton Chapel
Saturday 2nd All Souls Day Mass 12 Noon
Monday 4th Patriotic Rosary 7 pm Seton Chapel
Tuesday 2nd Election Day
Thursday 4th Officers Meeting
Saturday Food Drive
Thursday 14th General Meeting 7 pm
Fr. McGivney Mass 10 am
Monday 25th Pray for Priests 7 pm Seton Chapel
Wednesday 27th Memorial Mass 7 pm Seton Chapel
Thursday 28th Happy Thanksgiving
Black Friday Football No Bingo
All Souls Day
Mass 12 noon
October 2024 Planed Upcoming Events.
More details to follow.
October events:
Memorial Mass date?
Nine&Dine MCC
D’Amara Services
Officer Meeting 10/2
Bingo 10/4
COR 10/5
Stand Up for Life 10/6
Soccer Challenge 10/7
District Meeting 10/9
Membership meeting Repass 10/10 (Fr. Leone's Birthday cake?)
Chapter Meeting (Coram) 10/11 (Warren and?)
Bingo 10/11
COR 10/12
Patriotic Rosary 10/16
Birthright Gala 10/17
Bingo 10/18
COR 10/19
McGivney Mass 10/20
4th Degree Meeting 10/23
Bingo 10/25
COR 10/26
40 Days for Life Rosary and Vigil 10/26
Community Meal 10/28
Novena for Priests and Vocations 10/28
Faith Formation ‘Presence’
The workload is high. More help is needed. I don’t think the Messenger Calendar
emphasizes the amount of work we are committed to.
Some of this has to be managed by committees. This quarter has several events to
Coordinate, and let's divvy up the work.
Website updates: Need a replacement for Bill M
This month's Donations: Budget comments/ St. Jude issues
SU4L 10/6 2-330: Who can attend and represent the Council?
Soccer Challenge: 10/7 1 pm Raynor School: TJ, TT, FF (I invited Steve D to assist)
FC and I can come after Golf
Let’s go down the list and determine who can attend/assist with each
This Quarter:
RSVP: We have the names and addresses of new Candidates
Membership Drive/ C&B Final push
Mega Food Drive 11/9
Vets Day Parade 11/11? Ideas?
Black Friday Football:
Tree Lighting:
Christmas Parties (Time Change requested by ToB)
What is the consensus on Wreaths???
2025: St. Valentine’s and St. Pat’s Dinners committees
St. Patrick Cathedral 125 4th Degree Exemplification thoughts? (2/22/25)
Birthright Gala: 10/17
The council budget for Birthright was $1000 which went toward the $1250 Gala
Sponsorship includes 6 seats, full page ad (they received and approved) and
signage. 6 attendees agreed to split the additional $250. ($40ishpp)
We decided to attempt to fill a table of 10. Each additional seat is $100 raising the
pp to $65. We got 10. Two more members expressed interest in attending raising
the pp rate to approx. $72pp for a table of 12.
I sent in the Council donation and personal check for $650. I’ll need to send an
additional $200 if 12 attend. Questions, concerns, comments?
An afternoon of Bowling is being planned by FC, details?
Bourbon tasting is still on the table, I have format planned, working on pricing,
number of people and if temp license necessary?
Consciously pulling back on Calling posts, would like more email correspondence
which I will mention in November Messenger and next meeting.
Write your text here...
August 2024
1st: Officers Meeting 7 pm
2nd: Bingo
8th: Membership Meeting 6:15
9th: Bingo
10th: Fishing Trip On the Rosie Details in Messenger
14th: Patriotic Rosary Seton Chapel 7 pm
16: Bingo
17: Kavanaugh BBQ (free); Chapter BBQ $10pp kids free (Southaven Park) 12-5
18: Mass for the Canonization of Bl. Michael McGivney 12 noon
21st Long Island Ducks Baseball Game
23rd: No Bingo
24th: Council Lobsterfest
26th: Pray for Priests 7 pm Seton Chaple
30th: No Bingo (Labor Day weekend)
July 2024:
Officer’s Meeting (rescheduled from 7/4) to Tuesday, July 9th.
July 5: No Bingo
july6: Council Food Drive Manorville AND Center Moriches KK (9a-3p)
July 7th 11 AM Mass @ Saint Peter & Paul Church For Mary Swiciciki
july 11: Membership Meeting
july 12: Suffolk Chapter Meeting Patchogue Council 7pm
July 14th 11 am Mass @ Saint Peter & Paul Church For Michael Zingarino
July 20: Council “New Member” & Honorary Life Member Recognition BBQ at our building CM Community center 3pm
July 21: Mass for the Canonization of Bl. Michael McGivney 12p
July 29: Holy Hour for Priests and Vocations
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------May 2024
May 2nd Officers meeting 7 pm
May 9th General Business Meeting 7pm repast 6:15pm
May 11th officers training,
May 12 Mother Day
May 22th Fraternal Webinar 7 pm. Register Now. copy and paste this link.
May 17 bingo and Young Adult Healing Mass 8pm
May 18 5pm mass and dedication ceremony of Father McGivney Statue.
May 19th Crowning of Mother Mary at 10 am Mass.
May 19th Pilgrimage to the Shrine 10 am rosary 11;30 mass
May 20th Monday 7pm Seton Chapel Pray for Priests
May 27th Monday Memorial Day.
APRIL 2024
April 4th Food Drive King Kullen Center Moriches 9 to 12 & 12 to 3pm .
7th Chapter Communion Mass
11th members meeting and repast Council 6:30pm
28th Chapter bus trip to St. Marys Conn.
Bingo every Friday in April 6pm We always need your Help.
MARCH 2024
March 7th Officers meeting
March 8th Dinner Honoring The Grand Marshall, George Keller, 7 pm Rock Hill County Club
$75 per person. Buy one, Get one Free. See Bill Morgan for tickets. Don't wait til the last minute!
No Bingo March 8th.
March 10th Parade Assemble King Kullen Parking Lot 1:30 Parade starts at 2 PM
March 14th Membership Meeting Last chance to purchase tickets for Party.
March 16th Saint Patrick's Day Party at Community Center
March 17th 5pm Mass Canonization of Blessed Michael McGivney
March 24th Palm Sunday Pancake Breakfast See details below.
March 29th No Bingo. Good Friday
This Event will sell out. Get your tickets early. Call Bill or George #'s on flyer.
The Canonization of Blessed Michael McGivney
Sunday March 17th ---- 5pm Mass
Sunday April 21 ----6pm Mass
May 18th --------------5pm Mass
June 23rd ----------------10am Mass
July 21st -----------------12pm Mass
August 18th -------------12pm Mass
September 15th --------10am Mass
October 20th -----------6pm Mass
November 17th --------10am Mass
December 15th --------10am Mass
text here...